Reverse Racism...Does it Exist?

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Simple answer: No it does not.

If only it was that simple to explain to ignorants who have never picked up a history book in their lives. To quote 'Dear White People'; "[People of Colour] cannot be racist [towards whites], prejudiced, yes, but not racist. Racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race. [People of Colour] can't be racist [towards whites] because we do not stand to benefit from such a system."

It is possible to be prejudiced against a white people and by no shapes or means is this ok, because of the very fact that no one should be treated differently or poorly just because the amount of melanin they hold within their skin. However, you must remember that prejudice acts that some People of Colour may have against whites are more often than not a response to oppression, they do not HATE white people they HATE their privilege. This is very different to racism. Racism is enforced by white people upon People of Colour.

Here are some reasons why reverse racism isn't real/why you can't be racist towards white people:

1. Racism = Power + Privilege. In order to be racist you must possess social and economic advantage etc for example the pay gap between women and men is existent however the gap between a white woman and a black woman is huge in itself, showing the systematic racism. White people will walk free from the same crimes a black person would get jail time for. This highlights how racism isn't just thinking one race is better than the other, it is a SYSTEM which has been built upon oppression for so long that it seems like the "norm".

2. White People are not oppressed. White People created a law where it was deemed that black people were only 3/5 human therefore it was okay to treat them how you want. They created a system where people could lynch my ancestors because of the colour of their skin. So don't you dare say you as a white person you experience racism just because someone calls your ignorant ass a condiment or a saltine snack because that doesn't have years and years of oppression towards your race linked with it. If you are a white straight cisgendered male talking about oppression you've "experienced" get out of my face.  

3. I can't use the N-Word but they can call me a cracker!!! Double standard!!! Oh cry me a river! The reason for this is because there isn't a 600 year period of racism and oppression behind the word which was used solely by white people as they cracked a whip against the backs of blacks. So let us reclaim the word as our've got white privilege why do you want this too?!

4. Racism vs Prejudice. They aren't the same thing!!! “Prejudice and racism are different. A joke about white people dancing has no impact on the lives of average white people, whereas jokes about black people and reinforcing stereotypes about black people do have an impact on the lives of everyday black people.” - Dear White People

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