The F Word

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Feminism. A lot of people run at the sight of that word they run until they reach misogyny and ignorance. If you haven't realised already, this is going to be a rant on why we need feminism in this day and age. So clean out the ignorance in your ears, sit back and relax.

Definition: A feminist is a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.

Being a feminist has nothing to do with what you look like, who you date or how often you have sex. Being a feminist does not necessarily mean you HATE MEN. Feminism is an act trying to empower those within society who are oppressed, this does NOT mean that they are weak, feminists know this but they want society to wake up and see it too.

Why the word feminist? Why not equalist?

The answer to this is simple. By choosing such a vague expression that is "equalist" or "humanist" you are in turn denying the problem of gender, "it would be a way of pretending that it was not WOMEN who have, for centuries, been excluded" (Chimamanda Ngozi Achidie)

Why do we need feminism?

1. We need feminism because a new disease is sweeping the internet called "meninism". Initially this movement was a group of male allies to feminism but now it has become a mockery of feminism, highlighting that we can't have anything without white cis straight males making everything about themselves. Meninism doesn't do anything for men of colour, male victims of rape, homosexuals etc, all it does is boost the the white male ego whilst attempting to push everyone else in society below them

2. We need feminism because some people can't get it through their thick skulls that if a person does not give you consent then you do not try and convince them that "they want it". No consent means no.

3. We need feminism because psychological studies show that all rapists believe that other men are also rapists but they just haven't been caught yet. How disgusting and terrifying is that?

4. We need feminism because everyday women and young girls are getting murdered just because they've rejected a boy. We live in a world where many girls are worried about the reaction they will receive if they say no.

5. We need feminism because we teach girls at a young age to try and prevent rape, to watch their drinks, to watch who they speak to, to watch their surroundings at all time. Instead of teaching boys not to rape and to treat people with a mutual respect.

6. We need feminism because FGM (Female Gential Mutilation) still exists in 29 countries in the world little girls as young as 5 months old have their genitals mutilated in order to prevent them from having pleasurable sex..because obviously sex must only pleasure men?

7. We need feminism because in the USA only 20% of congress are women despite the fact that women make up half the population...why aren't we being represented to the same extent as men?

8. We need feminism because in China baby girls are thrown out on the street and left to die because they aren't boys, engraving the stupid belief at young age women aren't good for anything.

9. We need a better understanding of feminism because people still think they can be islamophobic, racist, homophobic and transphobic whilst being a "feminist". Little tip for you, if your beliefs in feminism aren't intersectional beliefs then you should rethink that feminist title which you so proudly hold.

Why do we need feminism? "Because you are still asking me that question" - John Whedon

Flawless // Beyonce

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